The journey towards creating ThinkLab started twenty five years ago when Marietjie van der Merwe completed her Master’s Degree. Her research focused on understanding how critical thinking skills contribute to transformation when it is integrated in technical training. This experience laid the groundwork for a lifelong commitment to nurturing critical thinking mindsets.
Building upon this foundation, ten years later, her PhD studies focused on applying systems thinking methodologies to help decision makers seeing the big picture before implementing any training programmes.
Fast forward fifteen years, she embarked on designing and facilitating workshops aimed at enabling professionals to cultivate critical thinking mindsets and apply various analytical tools. Based on needs expressed by clients, additional workshops were designed such as big picture thinking, systems thinking and growth mindset.
ThinkLab focuses on offering customisable workshops tailored to meet each client’s specific needs. Additionally, a range of resources such as case studies, interactive games, and other tools are developed to facilitate hands-on learning experiences.
At the core of ThinkLab’s philosophy lies the belief that certain skills, particularly those related to thinking and behaviour, cannot be taught outright. Instead, professionals are provided with concepts and tools, enabling them to apply these in their day-to-day work. Through practical application, individuals embark on a journey of learning and refinement, gradually integrating new skills into their daily routines.
Beyond individual development, ThinkLab is committed to fostering broader impacts within companies. We want to see our alumni not only transform their own thinking and professional behaviour but also positively influence those around them. This commitment reflects our dedication to enabling lasting changes that impact the inherent culture of organisations.